Friday, August 31, 2012

Weight Loss - It's All Relative

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

10 minute whole body workouts are not easy. They are not supposed to be.

Comments I often get are "there is no way I can perform the exercises in those workouts" or "I will probably only be able to each exercise once in 10 minutes".

Another terrific attribute to this system is RELATIVE INTENSITY.

Everyone, and I mean everyone is at a different ability level and fitness level.

  • Some are stronger.
  • Some have never exercised regularly.
  • Some don't have much stamina.
  • Some feel like they need to lose weight before they can exercise.
  • Somedays we feel great...somedays not so much.
  • Etc.

It doesn't matter. Why? Because every exercise can be modified to be more difficult or much easier.

The days you feel like a million might get 4 or even five rounds done in 10 minutes.

The days you don't you may only complete 3. You take what your body will give you.

In addition, you can also increase or decrease the resistance of any whole body exercise routine without adding weight. Your can:

  • Increase or decrease your base of support (move your feet closer together or further apart)
  • Go Bilateral (Stand on one leg or perform with one arm if appropriate
  • Increase or decrease speed
  • Less rest

Here's a bit of advice that was given to me along time ago -

"Before you can be great at anything you first have to be good. Before you can be good you have to start!"

Can you do 4 exercises, 10 repetitions each, and then repeat that for 10 minutes at your personal best effort?

I bet you can.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Weight Control And Fitness Advice For Seniors

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Are you at the stage where you think it is too late to start exercising and watching your weight? WRONG it is never too late to start correcting any excess in body fat or lack of energy, the latter probably caused by the former.

Before retiring in 2000 I held a commercial pilots license and was a chief flying instructor. To retain my license I had to have a strict medical every six months so I was acutely aware of the necessity of keeping in good shape and understood the importance of keeping my weight under control to minimize the possibility of high blood pressure and all the other possible undesirable effects of being overweight. I had always been fairly active, played a lot of golf, skied annually, enjoyed swimming and walking so kept fit without any specific exercises or keeping to boring diets.

However, on retiring and due to traveling extensively plus partaking of all the delightful varieties of foods available I found my weight increasing considerably. I was very tempted to resign myself to this as a natural process due to aging but when I noticed that after playing eighteen holes of golf I was not interested in another nine and that the pit stops on the ski slopes were becoming more attractive and difficult to leave, I decided it was time to do something about it.

The crunch came when, while playing in a friendly soccer match I tore my Achilles tendon. This required surgery and afterwards six weeks in plaster and on crutches. It was another couple of months before I was able to walk comfortably without a stick and by this time my weight, mostly belly fat, had seriously increased. I was unfit and fed up. My physiotherapist had advised me to join a fitness center to workout regularly and to watch my diet. I spent a couple of months going to the gym, pumping iron, doing crunches and curls, pounding away on the treadmill and while feeling slightly stronger and fitter, did not experience loss of body fat. I was beginning to accept the likely fact that maybe I was just too old to lose my belly fat.

Fortunately someone at the gym suggested I hire a personal trainer. This I did and was started on a full body workout routine three times a week. Whereas before I had been randomly going from one exercise to another I was now on a monitored and varied workout which was designed to reduce my belly fat and at the same time to tone up my muscles. Even so it was some time before I saw any real results in loss of weight but as my trainer explained to me the reason for this was although I was losing my belly fat I was at the same time building up my muscles, which weigh more than fat. I had noticed by then that he was starting to cut back on the muscle building exercises and was concentrating more on the cardio work and that's when I began to see a regular reduction in my weight.

During this time my trainer had been trying to persuade me to talk to the dietitian at the club but I have always been opposed to diets having known so many people who had been on a range of them, some cutting out carbohydrates, others semi starvation etc. etc. Virtually everyone I knew either lost some weight but immediately put it back on when they stopped the diet, or got so depressed with being deprived of so many foods and drink they enjoyed that they adopted the attitude it was better to be fat and content than lean and miserable. I therefore continued to eat as I have always done with a good variety of meat, fish and vegetables in reasonable quantities and still enjoyed a regular pint of beer and wine with my meals.

As my contract with my trainer was nearing its end he naturally wanted to know if I was going to renew it. I told him I felt that I was capable of continuing on my own after all his excellent advice. He told me that although I might know the workout routine I was still ignorant of the best way to eat healthily and in particular what foods to avoid and this might lead to a gradual increase in weight, which if not checked would put me back to square one. He urged me to purchase a couple of books written by acquaintances of his who were professional trainers, body builders and qualified nutritionists and which were available for download on the internet. Having reviewed a number of books on the subject, the majority of which seemed a load of rubbish I was naturally doubtful but was confident my trainer would not risk his reputation by recommending them to me unless they were something special. I took his advice and these books were a revelation. Not only do they contain all the information required for any workout routine, whether it be to lose weight, to build muscles or great abs they also contain a wealth of information on how to eat healthily and give excellent advice to both male and females of all ages plus adaptable to suit your own requirements. I still eat more or less what I enjoy and have my usual beer a day with wine at dinner. What I have cut out are most of the foods that are bad for your health, there are not that many, many of which I was not aware of before.

It is not surprising that one of these books has become the best selling book on the internet of all time on ANY subject and that really speaks for itself. The combined price of these books is just a fraction of the cost of a good trainer for a couple of months and you have them available for reference for life or to pass on to your children or friends. I have read them both over and over and each time discovered something that I missed previously and think WOW how did I miss that?

By now I can hear you thinking I have only written this article to promote these books and make some money. NOT entirely true. I am not like the majority of people marketing goods on the internet that assumes most people are suckers just waiting to be taken for a ride and who will purchase anything given the right sales pitch. As I told you I am now retired and as a hobby have taken to designing and publishing my own websites and as a further challenge to review and promote books on a large number of subjects. However these two books have helped me and a large number of my friends and acquaintances to maintain a standard of fitness and health that would have been unsustainable without the advice contained therein. Obviously, I make a small commission from each sale but more important to me is the satisfaction I get from all the thank you mail I receive from the many I have recommended this book to, in particular those of my own age who had nearly given up on the quest to keep their weight and fitness under control.

I hope I have made it clear that it is not easy to lose excess body fat; it is far easier to prevent it by regular exercise and moderate eating and drinking. To get rid of it requires desire, motivation and determination plus a lot of hard work. If you are looking for a quick or easy solution do not expect to find it in these books but beware of all those offering fancy diets that guarantee you will lose X amount of weight in a very short period of time. Sure anyone can lose weight by starving themselves but it sure as hell will come back with a vengeance and damage your health at the same time. Even more dangerous is to resort to pills or potions, again these may work initially but once you stop taking them look out for problems!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Blasting Away College Weight Gain While Still in College

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

The freshman 15 can strike at any time, during any semester and can also compound upon itself becoming the sophomore 30 and the junior 40. In some ways, college can be one of the most difficult times to try and lose weight. Here are some key ways to not only keep the weight gain at bay but to also lose it if it should creep up.

Step #1 Walk everywhere.

Whenever possible, you want to pound the pavement to class and activities. A bike is also a great way to get some activity but if your destination is within waling distance you can burn a lot more calories in a 15 minute walk than with a 4 minute bike ride. The more you walk the more calories you burn and the easier it will be to lose and maintain weight without needing to add extra workouts to your day.

Step #2 Prepare your own food

There are only 3 components to a healthy diet. 1) What you eat. 2) How much you eat 3) when you eat. If you leave your diet to the dinning halls and local sandwich shop you are losing a great amount of control over all 3 of these crucial components.
So stock up on the essentials like fruit, veggies, whole grains and lean meats so you can easily prepare your own food.

Step #3 Establish a workout routine on day 1 of the semester.

I know some people like to "get established" before they start a workout routine, but the reality is that starting your routine is part of getting established. The consequence of starting a workout routine 2-3 weeks into a semester is that your schedule becomes filled in a hurry and it's tough to find time to fit it in. Before you know it, a full 2-3 months can go by without a single workout or any progress in the fight against weight gain.
By claiming workout time from day one you can block off time to give yourself some me-time that can help you distress and clear your head from the events of the day.

Additional tips:

Be sure to buy appropriate rain and cold weather gear so you are chased away from your walking commute by the weather.

Stay up to date on assignments. It's very easy to fall behind in your exercise habits when your time and energy is spent catching up with that last minute report or home work.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Lose Weight Fast With These Techniques

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Losing weight is very important to us. It is a constant pressure to keep our bodies in optimal shape both for health reasons and for aesthetic reasons. If you are overweight, you will feel better both physically and emotionally when you start to lose weight. This is important since as you lose weight, your chances of getting various illnesses such as hyper tension and Type II Diabetes will decrease dramatically and in general you will feel better about yourself, as you are accepted by your peers more and more.

Of course, losing weight is not a short process and keeping your weight in its optimal limit is a lifelong process that must be continued indefinitely. Here are some techniques that you can use to lose weight and also to keep it off.

Make sure that you undergo a diet that is suited to your physical needs. Physicians recommend that between 2000 and 2500 calories must be maintained daily for healthy living. Hence the diet that you incorporate should fall between these two parameters but at the same time it should prevent you from receiving excessive calories that will turn into fat molecules in your body. Thus the most optimal diet should contain fruits, vegetables and fibers in majority along with some lean proteins for your protein needs in your meals.

Have a daily exercise routine that you will follow every day. This in turn will cause you to have a healthier cardiovascular system, as well as to burn any excessive calories and weight that you may have accumulated in the past. Even with the best diet, it won't be possible to lose the pounds that you have accumulated without having a way to burn them off.

You do not need to do very rigorous exercises to succeed; but rather you can do simple exercises like walking for 20 minutes every day or by swimming or bicycling three times a week. In fact, recent studies show that these may be more beneficial to weight loss.

Use techniques that will help you to increase your metabolism rate. These techniques are simple such as drinking green tea, drinking grapefruit juice, and drinking cold water frequently. These may not help you much but they may speedup your metabolism by as high as %5, which can accumulate over time.

Meditating in addition to the techniques outlined above has been found to be beneficial in weight loss. This is perhaps due to the fact that most overeating is due to stress and is linked to emotional trigger mechanisms. Hence meditation will help to focus your self being.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tips to Grow Taller - Natural Ways to Add a Few More Inches to Your Height

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Aside from getting that ideal weight, we all want to get an inch or two to add to our heights. If you are, however, one of those who want to get that extra height and you want to find some tips to grow taller, read on to find out some ideas that might be of help.

What is responsible for our height is the human growth hormone (HGH) produced in our bodies. So if you want tips to grow taller, you must focus on increasing the production of this hormone. Here are some techniques and tips to grow taller that might be just what you are looking for. It is important to note that going for the natural ways to increase the levels of your growth hormones is indeed the best and safest way to get those extra inches in your height.

- Have at least 8 hours sleep every night. You might probably have heard this before when you were a kid. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is indeed essential in increasing the levels of your growth hormones because it is in your hours of sleep that these hormones are released.

- Have a well-balanced diet to increase HGH production. If you are looking for the types of food that enhance your growth, they are protein-rich foods but it is an important thing to note that eating only protein-rich foods may not also help. A well-balanced diet is essential in helping you increase your HGH levels.

- Have a diet low in simple sugar. One of the tips to grow taller is to reduce simple sugars in your diet to prevent the inhibition of the human growth hormones. Cut cakes, candies and cookies in your diet.

- Engage in aerobic exercises. Studies have shown that the growth hormones are released in large volumes after you exercise. But keep in mind not to overdo it. Keep your workouts intense but short. An exercise routine of not more than an hour is advisable.

- Meditate to help you relieve from the stress of the day. High levels of stress in the body can also cause different negative effects on your health. When you practice meditation, make it a habit. Meditation works well if you practice it everyday or several times a week.

- Maintain a proper posture. Your posture will indeed help you stand tall and confident. If you have a bad posture, you tend to lose an inch or two in your height, so to make sure you are standing tall, train yourself to maintain a good posture. You can also learn ballroom dancing to correct your posture.

Indeed, the production of the human growth hormone decreases as we get older but if you learn how to maximize your potentials to getting the best height you can reach, it will truly help a lot. Besides, following these all natural tips to grow taller are safe and in fact, are beneficial to maintain a healthier body. This makes natural methods always beneficial and safe in anything that you want your body to achieve.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Unhealthy Food - Why Should You Avoid Them?

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Everybody who has ever gone on a diet knows how difficult they can be sometimes! After all, it is unnatural to starve yourself just to lose weight. No wonder that once you've achieved your weight loss goals, you begin binging again as your body demands that you make up for the nutrition of which you've deprived it. Obviously, the best weight loss solution is to change your diet to a healthier one that will help you lose fat while still eating good nutritious food. But apart from shifting to a healthier diet, you will also have to cut out all the unhealthy food from your diet.

What is unhealthy food? These are foods that have little nutritional value while containing a lot of unwholesome ingredients such as transfats and processed salt and sugar. They are better known as junk food and include processed cookies and chips, soft drinks with high sugar content and fried foods such as chicken, French fries and hamburgers. These foods have been linked with record levels of obesity in the US, as well as other negative health effects such as lack of energy, poor concentration and increased risk of developing heart disease due to greater levels of cholesterol in your body.

If you want to break your junk food habit, don't go cold turkey and try to eliminate all the unhealthy food all at once. Instead, try to replace a particular type of junk food with a healthier alternative. For example, replace potato chips with low-calorie rice cakes and rice biscuits. Or replace soft drinks with water. These small steps will help make your transition to a healthier diet easier and less stressful. You can also try to make your own "junk food" but with healthier ingredients. For example, bake pizzas with no meat, sauces with less fat and low-fat mozzarella cheese.

Other good ways to eliminate unhealthy food or more commonly called as junk food is to keep a regular eating schedule and always have healthy snacks nearby so you won't be tempted to buy chips or other unhealthy snack foods when you go hungry, as well as having a regular low-impact workout routine. You should also drink eight to ten glasses of water a day since this will help you feel full.

John Richly

Weight Loss Author, Health & Fitness Enthusiast

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

BodyWeight Exercises - How You Can Double Endurance and Quadruple Strength

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

BodyWeight Exercises For Strength And Endurance!

To get what you want, you gotta do something different, so why not incorporate BodyWeight Exercises into your training regime.
BodyWeight Exercises are timeless fitness systems that have secretly used by the worlds top athletes and warriors to build sensational strength, endurance and of course physiques for thousands of years.

The Great Gama, India's finest fighter, undefeated in thousands of fighting competitions was a fanatical advocate of the power of doing daily hindu squats (a type of free squat).
Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather,Boxer, Michael Jordan, Basketball Legend and just about every top athlete that you can think of have their own sequence of bodyweight exercises.
"('Pretty Boy' Floyd Mayweather).. hovers within 3 or 4 pounds of his fighting weight at all times by jumping rope, playing basketball, and doing body-weight exercises twice a week." (Mens Health)

BodyWeight exercises rely only on your own bodyweight, and some of the exercises that you would be more familiar with include push ups, squats, chin ups and sit ups.
Think about it - if your workouts consisted primarily of chin ups, how fit and strong would you become?
Clearly, not all of us will be able to begin with chin ups, but with these exercises you are exercising a number of muscle groups simultaneously in a way that promotes balance, and unquestionably produces extraordinary results.

If we take a head to head between push ups and the bench press, and compare and contrast.
Sure the bench press will give you well defined pecs, but at what cost. The fact is weight lifting rather than straightening our bodies out, and then strengthening them simply exacerbates the imbalances that many of us already have in our bodies. Short tight muscles, followed by missed training sessions due to injury is where weight training will ultimately take you.

How often will you need to lie flat on your back and push a heavy object up from it? Hopefully, not too often.
Compare this to the fully functional press up that not only strengthens the chest, arms and neck like the bench press but also stresses the muscles of your lower back and abdominals, thereby delivering a much more effective exercise. If you don't believe me test them out in the gym, if you're still a member and you will quickly note the difference.
If you want a body that emanantes energy, strength and power then you must try BodyWeight exercises to see for yourself how superior they are over the typical bump and grunt weights routine.

Energy, Strength, Stamina = Bodyweight Exercises.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

For Weight Loss That Works Try a Fitness Bootcamp

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Getting a workout routine going can be difficult. Often times, we quit our workouts due to scheduling difficulties or a lack of results. Working out is important though, as it helps us to both feel good and look good. Those who are looking for a workout routine that works should check out a fitness bootcamp.

One of the problems of working out for people is that they do not know how to exercise properly. Individuals can feel the pain they think is gain, but it is actually just pain and not really helping the body. There are quite a lot of workout videos that simply do not work, whether an individual is not able to do what the video trainer is saying, or what the video trainer is saying will not help the situation.

The reason an individual should begin weight loss with a boot camp program is that there are trainers teaching the individual how to properly do each workout. If a trainer notices that an individual is not doing the workout in a beneficial way, the trainer will tell the individual and correct the problem. Videos will not be able to assist an individual the way a live trainer can.

It is this direct feedback that makes a boot camp better than a video. With a video, when the going gets tough, the individual can just quit. The trainer on the video can only push an individual as long as the television's power is on. A live trainer, on the other hand, can offer support since the first weeks of a new workout program can be quite strenuous.

As well as having a supportive trainer, a workout program like this boot camp will also have group support. If you are looking to lose weight, chances are that many individual are looking to lose weight. This means that everyone is in the situation together, which means that each person empathizes with the others, allowing for a caring support system.

Having this kind of support system is very important in any endeavor. Everyone feels insecure at times and insecurity can cause an individual to quit. If there is a group mentality, the group will help each individual overcome their insecurity, because, in most cases, each member of the group also feels that same insecurity.

Exercising is very important, but if not done properly, it will not help. This is why becoming educated on workout techniques is so vital to exercising. Boot camp will help an individual get into shape and will teach an individual how to stay in shape. We would not know how to read or write a sentence properly if our teachers did not teach us and this situation is very similar.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

3 Effective Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

You eat less, exercise, but your body still can't get rid of that bulgy and big tummy - now what?

Do not feel frustrated, after several research, I tested and found that an effective way to get rid of belly fat.

Here are three effective proven tips to shed off the fat accumulate around stomach:-

1. Work the core - first place a soft pillow on the floor and sit on the center. Place your palms on the pillow alongside your hips with your fingertips facing forward and your heels about two feet away from the pillow. Now, lift your hips and both your hands a few inches high. Hold to the position for a second, then lower and repeat the routine for three sets of 20. This type of exercise works and tones the abdominal area and will help you get rid of belly fat fast.

2. Exercise in the evening - Doing your stretching and usual workout routine in the morning is good. However, if you want to get rid of belly fat the speedy way, exercising in the evening is another option. It gives you an increased metabolic rate - one thing that will help shrink the belly flab away.

3. Generate healthy, practical changes - Losing weight and getting rid of unwanted fats around the belly is realizable if you make a commitment to change your lifestyle. Take particular notice of what and how you eat as well as your physical activities with each passing day.

Why wait? Start it right away...

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Truth Behind Calorie Intake to Lose Weight

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Everyone wonders what is the exact magic number of calories to intake to lose weight?The truth is you will never find this number because it doesn't exist. Everyone is unique and one number that fits you, may be useless for another person.The truth is you need a combination of fewer calories in,which is directly tied to your eating routine,and more calories going out to truly lose and keep the weight off.With this guide you can finally clear the mist and get started correctly.

First, it has been researched and found that there are 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat. So to get rid of a pound you can cut back your calorie intake by at least cutting back 500 calories a day. At this rate you would lose a pound a week.In order for this to work you have to know how much you are taking in. Once you have this data collected the cutting back can begin.Which leads me to my next point

It is recommended that you keep a detailed food diary for at least one week to really see what you are eating on a day to day basis. You can look at the calorie content of the food your eating to see how much you are taking in. From here you can start finding the foods you can do without, reduce the amount eaten, or make the change over to a lower calorie version.

You may think cutting back is difficult but it doesn't have to be.Starting off simple is the key to reducing your calorie intake to lose weight. One way is by simply changing the milk in your cereal. Just going from whole to half or even reduced milk can help.Deciding to go from regular soda to diet can help. The act of just going from white bread to wheat bread can help as well. All of these little changes can help you on your way to weight loss.There is also no need to try all of these at once. Start off with one change than after a couple of days add another one. These will add up in the end.

It is also recommended that you combine your calorie intake with exercising, It has been found through research that it is easier to exercise in conjunction with watching calorie intake than to try to cut back the calorie intake alone. Just being active in conjunction with regulating your calorie intake can do wonders for your body.You will notice as the weeks progress your weight loss will vary. You could even notice a gain in weight due to new muscle being formed. This is due to muscle weighing more than fat. You should know that if you are a person who likes to workout.

In conclusion, a good schedule for losing weight is half a pound all the way up to 2 pounds a week. It has been found through much research that if you lose more than 2 pounds a week it is a lot harder for the weight to stay off in the long run. It is recommended that you never reduce your calorie intake to less than 1,200 daily calories without advice from your doctor. It is recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine that generally daily calorie level intake should never drop below 1200 for women and 1800 for men. So there you have your mini-guide to calorie intake to lose weight.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Biggest Loser Wii Game

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

People and visitors of E3 famous conference where all the gaming leaders reveal their new innovations, were all shocked to see some new Wii games revealed. Nintendo and its team said that their fitness based games were most successful and they will continue with launching more fitness genre games in future. After the huge success of Wii Fit or My Fitness Coach here is another game which brings fitness workout and program to your home - The Biggest Loser Wii game.

The game has been titled after the famous fitness course of Bob and Jillian Michaels who are now your personal fitness trainers in this virtual game which provides players a huge collection of workout, nutrition tips and help to lose weight and gain muscles in fast time! The game is already a huge success and producers are aiming for top chart positions in some weeks time, we will see!

Bob and Jillian Michaels in The Biggest Loser for Wii will help you get through different weekly goals of fitness workout and challenges which you have to achieve if you want to go for more advanced exercises and harder programs. You must be prepared for a sweat routine and hard workout which really work!

For more specific muscle building players can choose what type of muscle category they want to work on and thanks to Jillian and Bob you get weekly based program to work on. On start of each week you choose a goal and by the end of the week you must achieve it!

The game play provides the Wii balance board as support in the game for many different exercises. So the proudly owners of Wii Fit can have more fun and get max out of the game and progress! You will also get more than 50 different recipes and nutrition tips for healthier life and faster progress.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Benefits of Using a Personal Trainer

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Not everyone likes or wants a personal trainer interfering in their workouts. Maybe they're accustomed to doing it on their own, and that's what works for them. Or maybe they don't like someone telling them what to do. But believe it or not, exercising with a trainer can be rewarding and educational. So whether you sign up to train for two weeks or one year, there are several benefits to choosing a personal trainer.

We've all had those days where we just don't feel like hitting the gym. You're tired, you're stressed; you have a million errands to run before you head home, and the last thing you want to think about is stepping on the treadmill. But having a personal trainer can help with that. Personal trainers are there to keep you motivated, talk you through the stress, and put you on the right track to a continuous exercise routine.

People tend to fall off course when they constantly talk themselves out of workouts, but trainers are there to keep you on course. And they're there to motivate you during your workouts too. When you start to feel tired, or weak and think you just can't finish, your trainer will step up and motivate you to not give up.

Teach proper techniques
Personal trainers also teach you the correct techniques and proper form when it comes to exercising. This is important because lack of proper technique can lead to injury that could leave you sidelined for an indefinite amount of time. By using a trainer, you are learning the safe and effective way to exercise, which, in the end, maximizes your workout.

Help target problem areas
If you're tired of your regular workout routine because it doesn't seem to be reducing your belly fat or toning your butt and thighs, then a personal trainer is perfect for helping you target those key problem areas. Personal trainers know which exercises are best for every part of the body, and they can help you develop a workout routine that best tones your trouble areas.

Help Achieve Goals
If you've been trying to lose weight, yet you've hit a wall or plateau, personal trainers can help get you back on the right track to achieving your goals. If you're trying to lose those last 10 pounds, they can create high intensity workouts designed to shed those last few tricky pounds. But no matter what your ultimate goals, personal trainers are there to help you focus and stay motivated to achieve them.

Mix it Up a Bit
The last thing you want is a boring, mundane workout, but sometimes people fall into a trap that they can't dig themselves out of. Personal trainers are there to help you avoid that. They create new workouts, mix up the intervals and challenge your level of endurance with every workout routine. Mixing things up not only keeps you motivated to work out, but it presents you with new challenges and helps burn more calories than you would get in your old, boring workout.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tips on Simple Diets That Enable Weight Reduction

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

People are more than ever, are looking for weight loss tips, on easy ways to lose weight, and want realistic weight loss advice.

In such a day and age, it really isn't surprising that 50% of all Americans are obese to some extent. Most of the people during this modern day time period possess stressful schedules, which result in sticking to a diet regiment not easy, and neither is trying to work out day in and day out.

Nevertheless, I am not saying that all expectations are lost. Here is some fundamental weight loss tips, that should help you shed off those excess lbs, when following Simple Diets, and applying exercise, in your goal to lose weight.

The initial piece of advice that you will be needing to consider, has to do with exercising. This realistic weight loss truth should be in any diet, much less an easy diet, all diets should include doing exercise.

Always have your physical workout first thing each morning when your stomach is still empty. There are plenty of diverse workout routines which you could experiment with, for example walking, or jogging, on the treadmill.

Another good idea on weight loss tips is running around your block a number of times, just ten minutes involving exercises, are all you have to have for you to burn off stored energy, specifically excess fat, if possible, you may also opt for longer workouts, if you feel comfortable exercising for longer periods.

Another most beneficial suggestion on weight loss tips, is that you ought to think about, or look closely at whenever you snack. You need to keep away from snacking late in the evening, as well as avoid eating all together a minimum of three hours prior to deciding to go to bed.

By doing this you can reduce all the actual calorie consumption you ingested prior to bed, instead of keeping these calories as excess fat when you go to bed, this particular easy action can result in unbelievable results for anybody who is seriously interested in applying it.

Third recommendation on weight loss tips, which you should think about, has anything to do with coffee, in the event you absolutely need to consume coffee, insure that it is black!

Extravagant coffee drinks, along with cream and sugar will be enjoyable, and delicious, yet they usually are also rich with calories. Basically just one of these bad boys, are going to blow any kind of diet program your on right out of the water.

A very good old fashioned cup of black coffee carries nearly no calories if any at all, therefore this will be clearly a significantly wiser alternative, and also while black coffee is definitely an acquired taste, you're going to get accustomed to it through time.

Next suggestion would be to split your current standard three meals each day into four to five scaled-down meals each day. A person's metabolic rate calls for regular fuel so that you can burn off fat.

In the event you supply it a number of smaller amounts each day, your metabolism will remain greater, considerably quicker, and will burn up much more calories ultimately.

Lastly, you need to reduce your carbohydrate take in, this will have a very large bearing, on just how rapidly you shed weight using Simple Diets.

Doing away with unneeded breads, pastas along with other starches, you will notice a significant change the next time that you step on your scale. Undertake this guidance and you will notice just what weight loss is all about.

Truth be told, there are simply no "Easy Diets" per say, however you will find these simple tips for weight loss, will aid you to lose weight.

Forget about those novelty Diet Programs and insane Starvation Eating Plans, and keep to the above mentioned Tips and Techniques instead.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

One of the best ways to accelerate weight loss is to do cardio routines. Cardio gets your heart rate up, gets the blood flowing, raises body temperature and heightens calorie consumption. Cardio also strengthens your heart and lungs, improve circulation and other bodily functions. If done correctly, cardio routines can prove to be a valuable asset in your health and weight loss program.

But which cardio routines work best for you? Which are the best weight loss exercises?

Here are common cardio routines arranged from the most to the least effective in terms of weight loss:

1. Running - Running is a massive cardio routine because it gets every part of your body moving. Running can be a high intensity workout all by itself. If you do run, make sure to swing your arms and really get your entire body into the motion. Take care not to run if you experience knee or back pain. Try running on a soft surface such as grass or sand and minimize the time you run on asphalt. If you suffered any sort of physical injury in the past, consult your doctor before running.

2. Cycling - Bicycle riding (as long as it's done outdoors) is a great cardio routine. Of course you need to be proficient in riding a bike, but it can really get your heart pumping. Make sure to ride only in safe places. Avoid the side of busy roads. Stick to bicycle lanes whenever possible.

3. Rowing Machine - The rowing machine is a personal favorite of mine as it's not only a cardio machine but also a great strength builder for the back and biceps. The one downfall of this machine is that you're sitting down while doing it. But pumping the rows back and forth gets you sweating in a minute. Of course, rowing a canoe, if that is possible for you, is even more effective.

4. Walking - Walking is also a great cardio routine. Don't stroll, do brisk walking and get your arms into the motion. For added difficulty, you can try walking with small dumbbells or wrist-strap-on weights. Try combining interval running with walking for accelerated weight loss.

5. Swimming - Swimming is a great body building cardio routine as it strengthens the entire body. However, it is difficult for regular swimmers to get their heart rate up while swimming and maintaining that heart rate for a long time.

6. Elliptical - The elliptical is great for people who suffered knee injuries as it doesn't jar your legs. However, it has almost zero resistance and usually doesn't get your upper body into the motion. I like incorporating it into my cool down routine for some added calorie burning.

7. Gym bicycle - I dislike the gym bicycle because you usually sit back and just pedal away. The very act of sitting down makes this a much less effective routine.

Any of the 7 routines I've laid out are good weight loss exercises. Some are more intense than others but can be perfect for you. Make sure to enjoy your cardio routines. Enjoying yourself will also accelerate your weight loss.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Home Gym Workout Routines

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Home gym workout routines can take the hassle out of staying healthy. How often have you claimed your busy schedule as the reason you could not get to the gym? How many times have you skipped a workout you knew would make you feel better because the fatigue of traffic and the pace of a gym with trainers were too much for your work weary mind?

Well, say good bye to the excuses standing in your way because home gym workout routines are the answer for your busy schedule. The key to a successful home gym workout routine is scheduling yourself time.

Even though you are working out at home, you still need to hold yourself accountable to your own body. Setting aside a little time will make your workouts less stressful because you will already have that time framed for the activity.

Home gym workout routines can be tailored to meet your specific needs and available equipment. Try a treadmill workout routine to get yourself started and you can do that today. With a treadmill walking program you can work legs and even tone abs and arms.

You should always consult your physician before beginning any workout regimen, because they can help you tailor your routine to your health needs and abilities. Begin with moderate walking twenty minutes a day and this can go a long way to decrease your stress load, increase your energy level and tone your muscles.

The great thing about a treadmill workout routine is you can do it year round in any weather condition. A treadmill walking program can be done as you read the newspaper or make evening calls or it can be a time of complete peace and isolation. Adding small hand weights can afford upper body toning even as you walk.

Your body deserves your attention, and your schedule need not stand in the way. Try a home gym workout routine today to shake away the cob webs from your body and you'll start seeing amazing results.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Elliptical Workouts For Women to Burn Calories and Lose Weight Quickly

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Have You Ever Done Elliptical Workouts?

If you are a woman and have every wanted to lose weight quickly than chances are you have gotten on an elliptical at a gym. You also probably spent 30 or more minutes killing yourself trying to get that fat from the unwanted areas. However chances are you didn't see the results your wanted so you either gave up on the elliptical workouts or started doing longer and longer workouts.

Why Longer Elliptical Workouts Don't Burn Fat

The problem with being on an elliptical for long periods of time is that you are not really challenging your body and forcing it to burn excessive calories. To lose weight quickly you have to make you body want and need to use your fat reserve so that the pounds will come off. Working out on the elliptical trainer for more than 30 minutes does the complete opposite and allows your body to get use to the activity and is less effective at melting away your unwanted fat deposits.

Burn Calories and Lose Fat with This 20 Minute Elliptical Workout

In order to lose weight using an elliptical you are going to have to give more effort for a shorter period of time. What you are going to do is get on the elliptical trainer and let it know you mean business by doing interval training. High intensity interval training is going to allow you to be in and out of the gym in less than 30 minutes and still have you burning calories all day long. This allows you do spend less time but lose weight more effectively throughout the entire day.

Interval Training on The Elliptical

The next time you are in the gym go the elliptical trainer and do it to a level that gives you a nice warm-up. The warm up should last for only five minutes and then the next ten minutes will be high intensity intervals where you adjust the level and speed for short bursts of workout out followed by short periods of lower level workouts or rest.

High Interval Training Workout

Step 1. 5 minute warm-up at a moderate pace and level
Step 2. 1 minute on a lower level and slower pace to allow you to rest
Step 3. 1 minute on a high level and faster pace to get your heart rate up
Step 4. 30 seconds on a lower level and slower pace to allow you to rest

Repeat the cycle for 10 to 15 minutes and allow yourself a 5 minute cool down. If this is your first time doing interval training you will want to start with doing 30 seconds of high intensity followed by 1 minute of rest. Also you will not want to do this form of interval training more than 2-3 times per week as this is really stressful on the body and you will need time to recover.

Why Women Will Lose Weight Quickly

Women will lose weight quickly doing these elliptical workouts because interval training has been shown to be much more effective and regular steady state cardio exercises. Interval training will force your body to burn excessive fat as you carry on with your normal daily routine. With this workout at your disposal the weight will rapidly fall off.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Lose Weight Faster With Insanity Workout

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

People keep forgetting what they have to do to lose weight. I had a friend that was under the impression that to lose weight he had to go to the gym and lift immense weights twice or three times at most. I tried to explain that the sort of workout is used by people that are slim and want to build up muscles and you can actually lose weight like that, maybe gain some weight because you don't burn any fat, but get bigger and heavier muscles under the fat layer. You don't look better, you don't feel better, you are just bigger.

Insanity Workout is the type of workout used by people that understand what burning fat and losing weight means. It means that, even for a short period of time, you have to get your heart pumping and your metabolic rate increased, because that is the way you can burn fat.

Of course, it also helps increase muscle mass, but not as much as the above mentioned type of workout does. Insanity Workout needs you to give 110 percent of all that you have in terms of power and speed for a short amount of time. When you finish, you only get to have a thirty second break or a minute tops, and then you start again. You have to keep this up for at least thirty minutes, but you will also get the results. Fat burning starts and even after 3 or 4 hours, the body is still burning fat.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Five Proven Methods for Rapid Fat-Loss

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Have you reached a plateau in your fat loss efforts? What is the reason for your having trouble shifting that 10 or 15 pounds that will make you look really good?

Or let me ask you: do you want to avoid plateaus as you attempt to reach your goals in muscle building and fat loss? The key to fat loss is an elevated metabolism. Try this five proven strategies to spark your sluggish metabolism and smash through stagnation in your quest for a lean, mean physique.

1. Eat your breakfast latest 30 minutes after waking

Do you know people that perform their exercise first thing in the morning without some form of breakfast? Off course you do They have false belief that they are tapping into fat stores and forcing their body to burn fat for fuel. This misinformation is very old, outdated long time ago and it was created during research performed on obese subjects. I can give you numerous physiological reasons why it is a terrible decision for healthy people to avoid nutritional support before exercise in the morning. The essence is that you cannot dictate the type of fuel you want your body to utilize during exercise.

Exercising in morning, on an empty stomach induces huge amount of muscle breakdown, (along with a small amount of fat loss). This is sure way for getting even slower metabolism and a body that quickly learns to hoard fat, not burn it. After sleep your metabolism has slowed down. Breakfast kick-starts your metabolic rate and creates an instant anabolic environment within the body

This is one of the best meals you can take before your weight lifting. Try eating portion of cooked oats with a handful of raisins mixed with milk and a scoop or two of whey isolate about 30minutes before hitting the gym. This breakfast is nutritionally perfect for building muscle and takes less than 5 minutes to prepare.

2. Increase number of meals not calorie intake

This is powerful strategy and those who master it are enjoying great results. But this simple, highly effective strategy is often overlooked by bodybuilders and body sharpers. Calorie restriction slows down your metabolism rate very much. As soon you feel your fat burn results stagnate, simply increases your meal frequency without increasing total calorie intake. You can do it by dividing your daily calorie intake into more meals. Just add one or two sneaks or small meals to your daily meal plan. Remember, we are not talking about increasing total calorie intake; we are merely subdividing the total daily intake into smaller meals. If you find this difficult just visit my web site and you will be amazed how simple this is with having good resources.

3. Eat more vegetables

You want super lean, healthy body? If you do, simply increase your vegetable intake. Why vegetables are so good for our fat loss? There are few reasons but most important to know is that vegetables are high bulk but low calorie content. These foods are the secret to effective fat loss; they are naturally high in fiber yet low in calorie content. Start doing it and you will tricks the metabolism into staying elevated because of the large volume of food the body has to process. This one is simple. Increase your vegetable intake and this will definitely enhance your fat loss results. It is simple as that. You can get more information about proper diet and other aspects of Natural Muscle Mass Building and if you implement them you will see how potent they are.

4. More water, more water, more water....

I assure you there is sound physiological rational behind. As you know muscle and other tissues are 80% water. When muscle cells get dehydrated by only 1 or 2%, a catabolic process is triggered.

If you maintain this catabolic environment habit in your body this makes it impossible to recover and gain results from your training. Normal or increased water intake (especially when accompanied by nutrients such as micronized glutamine and creatine) increases muscle cell volume. This switches on anabolic process and the creation of new tissue within cells. The synthesis of new, lean tissue will cause an increase in metabolic rate, so drink up!

5. Best time to consume a substantial portion of daily calories is after exercise
Intense exercise accelerates the metabolism tremendously. But it also creates a tremendous amount of tissue breakdown. If you don't have proper nutrition after training, a loss of lean tissue can be the end result. Losing muscle tissue slows down the metabolism and this is the surest way to stagnate any attempt at fat loss.

Therefore remember muscle building routines crucial part is a post workout period. If you take to this seriously, boosting the metabolism and therefore for improving body composition. Research demonstrates that nutrients consumed in the hours following a workout are shuttled directly to muscles to boost the metabolism and repair damaged tissue. Nutrient consumption in the post-workout period does not interfere with the fat loss process. I recommend bodybuilders that want to gain lean mass should consume a significant portion (approx 25-35%) of their daily calorie intake during the 3-hours following resistance training. In our program this is explained in detail. There are off course much more details to this and previous points from this article. Most important is to understand that muscle building - fat loss is not rocket science and with proper helps and guidance one has to see results very soon.

So there you have it, five research-proven ways to boost metabolism and ensure you overcome any stagnation in your fat loss attempts. How many of these strategies do you currently follow?

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Top 3 Tips For Successful Muffin Top Exercises

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

Many women suffer from a dreaded "muffin top". Even women who are not really that overweight struggle with the unsightly bulge of flesh that hangs over the top of their pants (what is commonly referred to as a "muffin top"). Men are not immune either. Even men with no large "beer gut" that sticks out can suffer from extra flesh hanging over their pants, usually more to the side. With men we usually call the flesh "love handles".

Regardless of what you call the unsightly flesh, it's ugly, makes it hard to find clothes that fit in a flattering way and is also an unhealthy place to carry extra fat.

Do not despair! To get rid of your muffin top is not as hard as you think. With a sensible eating plan and a few well chosen muffin top exercises you can have that flat tummy you have always dreamed of. And the best news is that you won't need an expensive gym membership, expensive "ab" machines for the home an you won't need to starve yourself with fad diets.

Follow these 3 simple steps when choosing muffin top exercises and a flabby tummy will be a thing of the past very soon!

1. Understand the real issue - excess body fat in the stomach area

One trap people fall into is to just concentrate on exercises targeting the abdominal muscles. You don't want to spend time and energy "bulking up"your abs without getting rid of the layer of fat that covers them. This can make you look larger! It's important that you focus on some general cardiovascular exercises that increase your metabolism and burn off some of the excess fat.

2. Find Some Type of Exercise You Enjoy

Working on an elliptical cross trainer is great for burning fat. I have a really expensive one in my home. Do I use it? Heck no! I find it boring and tedious and I tired of it very quickly. Now it collects dust and gets in the way when I do other forms of exercise that I much prefer. I neglected this second tip that is to find an exercise you enjoy. It doesn't matter too much what it is, as long as it gets you moving and burning fat. If you don't enjoy it, you won't stay motivated. It's as simple as that.

Try and vary your routine, keep yourself motivated and your body from getting into a rut by alternating different types of exercise. The very best exercises for burning fat have proven to be interval training. Try and incorporate interval training into your workout routine at least once a week, even if it's not your favorite. Finding a friend to work out with can also keep things fun and keep you accountable on days when you feel like skipping your work out.

3. Do Some Specific Targeted Ab Toning Exercises

If you serious about getting rid of your muffin top, you should learn a few targeted ab exercises. Once you lose your extra stocmach fat, you want to be sure that your stomach is toned, not flabby. Invest time in watching videos or maybe meeting with a trainer just once to avoid injury and learn the best muffin top exercise for your body type and fitness level.

So essentially, the most effective muffin top exercise are the ones that you can do safely and repeatedly. Make sure your exercise program involves both fat burning as well as ab toning components and that you vary it up to keep it fresh.

Now remember, healthy exercise without healthy eating is not a very effective way to control your weight, your shape or your health. Educate yourself on the best foods you should be eating - you might be very surprised with what you learn. Many of the so-called "diet foods" we eat are actually making us and keeping us fat.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to Reduce Weight Without Paying Your Cash

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

This might be a desire for every individual who is suffering from weight problems. Surely, there's a lot of supplements, reduce weight liquids and quite a few diet exercise movements offered, unfortunately question for you is just one - are these products going to help or will fat deposits vanish more quickly if you become as a subscriber on a costly gymnasium? My answer is none of them. You should start with ourselves, your lifestyle and method you eat. Listed below are some ideas that you might perform at absolutely no cost.

First of all it is advisable to make positive changes to diet plans. If you don't have any kind of schedule, focus on to have one. To make sort of eating habits is amazingly very simple. First, it is important to consider your healthy meal on a regular basis as a minimum three times a day if not more. Eating often in daytime does not precisely indicate that you must take in more. In the evening it is important to get a meal at least 3-4 hours before going to rest.

Counting calorie intake can be spend of your precious time understand that your meal is finished once you think you can eat a small amount more. It signifies eat a tiny bit lesser as always. In such a way it is possible to operate foods portions. Furthermore be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day. A small sip of normal water each half an hour might be just enough or it will be about eight to ten drinking glasses per day. Drink such as green tea could be a possibility too. A lot of people think of bringing in Green tea onto their diet and weight loss solutions.

Green tea has not been deliberated a weight loss until recent studies have demonstrated Green Tea's fat reducing properties and how it can improve the metabolic process. Never take in soda water! Soda is terrible for you personally plus it actually dehydrates you! Attempt to consume fruits and vegetables. This can be a wonderful method to obtain fiber and other mini nutrition that your body requires.

Next, it is advisable to perform some physical exercise or activities. Your everyday exercises coupled with eating habits are best method to minimize those undesired excess fat. A good number of you definitely know how complicated is to get yourself together to set up some exercise. There exists an alternative. If you don't want to waste dollars going into a fitness center, then you could improvise. The most usual things have proven to be walking or quick walking.

Why should you pay for that just make an attempt to not use any kind of transport to get somewhere around the very few or even more blocks in the city and that is it. Every single day walking without a doubt can boost your situation. As you can see no uninteresting workout routines simply organize your everyday schedule so you could reach your place at time.

These are simply the couple of plenty of different ways on how to lose weight easily absolutely free. But the most significant is inspiration. Neither capsules nor exercises are unable to aid you if you do not choose to change your everyday life. Get started with your mind the rest will happen.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are You A Beginner Serious About Fitness?

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

I've been barraged with inquires asking how best to set up fitness programs. I thought it might be appropriate to go over the basics of how best to design an effective fitness program. Any sensible body renovation plan need include three elements: progressive resistance training, cardiovascular training and nutrition/diet. Hemingway once quipped, "Quality writing is not interior design, it's architecture."

And so it is with physical renovation, we aren't rearranging the deck chairs on the cruise ship, we're erecting massive column and moving mounds of earth. The three core elements need be practiced in an even, balanced way: better to do a bit of each then emphasize one element to the exclusion of the other two. The Sisyphus-like mistake fitness acolytes repeat over and over, to their eternal detriment, is to grab onto one of the three core elements and dive into it with a frenzy that lasts about three weeks. Then frustration, boredom and above all else, lack of results, causes the fitness Sisyphus to chuck the whole effort yet again. It doesn't have to be this way. By structuring your fitness effort in a balanced way, tangible, irrefutable, unarguable results, measurable not imagined, can and will occur.

Elite athletes know that when all three core fitness elements are in place and practiced with due diligence, a physical synergy occurs and results exceed all rational and realistic expectations. The key to progress is balanced application. A plan without implementation is worthless and this approach is set into motion by intense physical and psychological effort. The entire fitness procedure is set into a time frame and through a process of reverse engineering; we start with a realistic goal and work our way backward to a starting point. Effort is synonymous with intensity. When we train we train hard. Effort, intensity, requires we bump up against current physical capacity in some way or another. There are a variety of ways to achieve this. Psychological intensity manifests itself as we apply discipline to adhere to the program guidelines: discipline is used to determine and regulate what we eat, how much we eat and when we eat it. Discipline is used in training to generate a heightened mental attitude during the actual physical training (psyche). When the three elements are present and applied evenly, a wonderful ebb and flow occurs, after a few weeks effort melts away and the process develops a momentum of its own. As results pile up enthusiasm supplants willpower.

The question is, how best to construct a customized training template that synchronizes fitness with the realities of my life? How best to construct a nutritional game plan? How much time will this require each week? How long will this take? How do I structure the actual workouts? How do I deal with the food preparation? All are issues necessary to consider. Before considering details first design a skeletal structure.

Progressive Resistance Training: Optimally done with free weights (for a variety of physiological reasons) progressive resistance training, lifting weights, is not an option. There are 600-plus muscles on the human body and weight training is the best way to tone, strengthen and build muscle. Weight training is critical for muscle health and function. Free weight training is better than training with machines. The idea is to devise an exercise sequence, a series of exercises that purposefully targets as many muscles as possible within the time confines of a session. Train the target muscle intensely and thoroughly then rest that muscle until its healed and recovered before training it again.

Muscle tissue is an active, living tissue and requires fuel in the form of calories to live. Since a pound of muscle requires 30-40 calories per day to survive, by adding 10-pounds of muscle (quite doable, particularly for a beginner) the body will burn an additional 300 to 400-calories per day. This is the number of calories a person would burn in a 30 to 40-minute aerobic session. Adding muscle boosts the basal metabolic rate and a fast metabolism trumps a slow one every single time.

Cardiovascular Training: Separate and a distinct, aerobic exercise builds and strengthen our innards, the internal plumbing. The efficiency of the pumping and cleansing organs are improved by repeated cardio exercise. As a direct result of the increased heart rate arterial pathways are flushed and scoured as torrents of blood are forcibly pumped through the veins. Heart and lungs pump oxygen-saturated blood, nutrient enriched, to living tissue. On the return trip, blood removes muscle waste products, toxins and fatigue-inducing lactic acid.

Purposefully elevate the heart rate to a predetermined target and once the increased HR is achieved, maintain the elevated rate for a specified period of time. Repeated aerobic exercise bestows a multitude of benefits. Endurance and stamina increase dramatically. Digestion and food assimilation improve and when a regular cardio regimen is combined with a performance-eating program, excess body fat is mobilized and burned as fuel. As with progressive resistance, the idea is to systematically increase our performance ceiling. By continually seeking to improve, regardless the cardio mode selected, we trigger the adaptive response and reap real results.

Performance Eating: This phrase is better than 'dieting' as dieting implies depravation, starvation and destructive denial. If you train hard, as hard as you are supposed to, you need to eat enough calories to support the level of intense effort. The mistake most personal trainers make is to overwork their clients then underfed them. Too much effort combined with too few calories trigger the continual secretion of cortisol into the bloodstream. This catabolic hormone signals the body that a starvation situation exists and gives permission for the body to start cannibalizing muscle tissue to cover any caloric shortfall.

This is why crash dieters might lose tremendous amounts of body weight but still end up fat. They have become miniaturized versions of their old fat self - just considerably lighter. Optimally we eat high quality nutrients continually throughout the day. Optimally the trainee hovers right at the caloric breakeven point (everyone is different) and optimally the caloric cost of exercise pushes the trainee ever so slightly into negative energy balance. Done this way, stored body fat is called up from caloric storage depots around the body. Muscle mass is built and body fat is systematically oxidized. Again, calorie control is the initial goal. Once caloric content is gotten to the breakeven point, exercise creates a slight deficit. Fat is burned off while muscle is built.

Balance is the Key: In order to generate initial momentum available training time should be allotted equally. The beginner should divide available training time in half. If, for example, a person had four cumulative hours per week available for the body renovation effort, a realistic training split could be structured as follows:

Day I weight train 60-minutes

Day II cardio 30-minutes

Day III cardio 30-minutes

Day IV off

Day V weight train 60-minutes

Day VI cardio 30-minutes

Day VII cardio 30-minutes

Total weights 120-minutes

Cardio 120-minutes

Structure first - then content: Devise the template before beginning to tinker with the actual content. In the progressive resistance portion of our training, our hypothetical beginner would devote two cumulative hours per week. Twice a week this individual would perform a progressive resistance routine one-hour in length that would attack as many muscles as possible, hopefully using a well-thought out free-weight program consisting primarily of compound multi-joint exercises. Cardio would be performed four times per week in 30-minute sessions.

The initial goal could be to elevate the heart rate, regardless to the cardio mode selected, to perhaps 60-70% of age-related heart rate maximum. Over each subsequent week for between 6 to 12 weeks, all benchmarks are pushed upward. Poundage or reps would be conscientiously increased and simultaneously the baseline heart rate would be stair-stepped upward. The adaptive response is triggered as a result of applied intensity and effort. The number of daily feedings is increased. By spreading the day's calories out over 5-6 feedings the metabolism increases and nutrient assimilation is vastly improved. Stored body fat is mobilized and oxidized.

Who ever said it would be easy? The physical transformation process is not easy but it is doable - assuming you can muster the discipline and gumption. First devise the game plan then allot your time, line up your tools, visit the grocery store and pull the trigger. The devil is in the details but unless you understand the training template and grasp the requisite balance between the three irreplaceable elements, nothing of much physical significance will occur. Architecture first (synergistic balance) then deal with the interior design (component content) - otherwise you'll become immersed and tangled in one area to the exclusion of the other two irreplaceable elements.

Like Sisyphus pushing that boulder up the steep hill, sooner or later willpower fails and it all rolls back down the hill. Think hard about the architectural structure of our fitness effort and after everyone absorbs the concept of balance into his or her marrow, then consider content specifics within each leg of the Fitness Triad.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

7 Celebrity Beauty Tips - For Your Beauty

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

In this article you will find 7 beauty tips that will make you look great like a star.

1.       Trim your hair once a month to achieve healthy looking hair, make them grow faster and stronger, as well as to get rid of split ends.

2.       Wet hairs are much easier  to damage, so it should be washed off gently. If you have long hair, try not to mess them out too much while washing - it should be easier to comb them, so the hair will not be damaged.

3.       If you have dry hands skin, apply few drops of olive oil and rub them to your skin. It will make the skin soft and moisturized.

4.       Moisturize properly your skin. Depending on your skin and its makeup, you should figure out what is best for you. If you have normal skin, moisturizing once a day should be sufficient. If you have dry skin you may want to consider moisturizing twice daily - once in the morning and once before going to bed.

5.       Avoid excessive sun exposure: always use moisturizer lotion with a sun protection factor when you are going out in the summer, specially when you go sunbathing to protect your skin.

6.       Exercise few times per week in order to stay fit, lose weight and shape your body. It not does have to be a hard workout, but it need to be a regular physical activity that you will like to do, like pilates, gym training, walking, jogging, swimming etc. If you do not feel motivated, find a gym near to your work place (or school), and go to the training on your way back home. You will feel better and more motivated to exercise.

7.       Don't skip breakfast: It boost you with natural energy that you need to face your everyday routine and helps to concentrate

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

What Types of Exercise Can You Do to Achieve a Flat Tummy? Here Are Four Methods

Workout Routines To Lose Weight :

If you're new to this, then exercising might feel a bit "foreign". Is it getting difficult to find clothes to fit you? Exercise is the most natural way to lose all those pounds - especially those around your belly. If you want to achieve a flat tummy, it's best to start with the right exercises to do just the job.

Before trying on any workout routine for a flat tummy, it might be best to do some cardio routines first. For beginners, 15 to 30 minutes of cardio workout for a week should help you get started. Then, accelerate to a 1-2 hour cardio workout or as tolerated.

Once you've achieved this, you perform extensive routines to achieve a flat tummy. Try doing these routines to jump off your abs routines:

• Crunches: This is the standard flat tummy routine you can do regularly. Start by lying on your back with both hands crossing over your chest and your legs bent. Lift your legs about 3-4 inches up and lift your upper body weight using your abdominal muscles. Avoid using the back muscles as this induces a lot of strain on your lower back muscles. Don't force yourself to lift your entire back off the floor.
• Sit-ups: First, lie on the floor with bent knees and feet flat on the surface. Then, cross your arms across your chest. Lift you upper body area to a sitting position without lifting your feet off the floor. Don't use your back muscles to lift your entire upper body portion. Do this repetitively for about 20-25 cycles for starters. Don't push yourself if you can't achieve this on the first try. Once you've built tolerance at this rate, you can now progress using weights to create a flat tummy.
• Leg lifts: The concept of this workout is similar to that of bicycling -- only that you're sitting up while doing this. You can also alternate touching your knees with your elbow. Lying on your back with your hands cupped behind your head, touch your right knee with your left elbow. Then, do the other side. Alternately do this as tolerated.

Don't rush results. You might not be able to see a flat tummy instantaneously. You need to shed off fat first before you can work on your abdominal muscles. You should maintain your cardio workouts to burn excess calories to enhance development of muscle mass. With proper diet and regular workouts, you're closer to achieving a toned physique sooner than you thought!

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